The appraisal industry’s governance problem

Imagine if the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Board of Trustees was appointed by industry sponsors who paid a $7,500 fee. In this scenario, the majority of the board would be required to be industry creditors. The board would also appoint the agency’s rule-writing staff — and they would be creditors,

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The emerging ESG market is a diamond in the rough

When the terms “green” or “ESG” are broached in polite company, eyes have a tendency to roll. It’s natural for the mind to wander toward a parade of green branding campaigns that may be aspirational in messaging but rarely result in measurable climate-friendly or socially sustainable solutions in practice. Still,

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How rookie agents are faring during the pandemic

When the restaurant Tom Hunt worked at as a server temporarily shut down during the spring of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, he decided it was the right time to pursue his longtime desire of becoming a real estate agent. “I’ve always been interested in real estate, but I’ve

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